About Kimberley
My Story
I am fascinated with the way the body works, it is such a miracle! When I realized that I could heal my own medical problems naturally, I became so passionate about how the body works and its ability to overcome, I knew I wanted to help others discover this too.
I have 4 autoimmune conditions. They are all problematic but the one you may have heard of is Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, where my own body is attacking itself and trying to kill my thyroid gland. Since the thyroid gland regulates our metabolism and is an integral part of the endocrine system, when it is off we become very sick. I spent 20 years being treated for my sluggish thyroid by Western Medical practices and as my medication increased, I got worse. What my Drs. were doing wasn’t working but where else could I turn? I brushed off my degree in Dietetics and Nutrition and began my research. Over the course of the next 18 months, I was able to put my Hashimoto’s in remission along with the 3 other autoimmune conditions. I accomplished this with healthy changes to my diet and lifestyle. Over the course of my healing, I was able to discontinue 8 prescription medications. I feel as if I’m 20 years younger!
As a result of my own healing, my passion for nutrition was reignited so I went back to school for some refresher training and then I made my next big decision. I left corporate America where I had been an Executive Assistant for over 25 years and decided to start my own business helping others with their own chronic pain and illness

Autoimmune Conditions
(Thyroid Specialist)
Digestive wellness
Food allergies & intolerance
Healthy cooking / meal planning
Diet and Detoxification
Elimination diets
Chronic Illness
Children's Behavioral Issues
Healthy Families
Corporate Wellness Programs
Group lectures/classes